Onions I wanted to call this post something else, but today in the shower, I had an idea: there are so many layers of myself that I have discovered over the last few years, and yet so many more that I haven’t even begun to peel back. The reason I&
February and March roundups The past two months have gone by so fast, I can't believe it. And it's all been in a very good kind of way of time passing. The kind where you're busy everyday and come Friday, you're surprised the week went by
Subtracting projects Lately, I've been exploring the idea of simplifying my life by subtracting rather than adding. This journey began with the book Please Unsubscribe, Thanks! and was further inspired by Subtract by Leidy Klotz. In this post, I'll focus on subtracting projects I've started over
Cancel vs subscribe 2024 For the past few years, I've been doing this thing where at the beginning of every year, I take a hard look at my subscriptions and decide if I should consider canceling or continuing to subscribe, and in some rare case, start subscribing to new services. I want
Things I read and liked in January 2024 I've been busy over the last week so I haven't been able to write this post but I wanted to share my favorite things I discovered over the last month, and a few things I just want to highlight. Things I read Something I think about
Snow in Portland, 2024 It's our annual snowstorm in Portland, a week where the whole city just shuts down and braces for the snow. We got snow on Saturday (Jan 13th) and today's Thursday and there's still snow on the ground. Here's the temperatures for the
My unsubscribe rules for marketing emails When I signed up for Fastmail a few years ago, I decided to keep my inbox as clean as possible. Not just zeroed out but also never getting any emails that were not important or useful to me. The majority of these emails were marketing emails and newsletters. Some marketing