Finding Aspen Last week, I ran into an interesting mental exercise. I woke up with a song playing in my head that I had not heard for at least a year. It kept playing in my head as I got ready for work. Then on my way to work, I started playing
Purging music for the year I’m currently in the middle of writing two posts and I feel that I’m still very far from completing them so I wanted to post just a song and talk about purging music for the previous year. Kristen gave me this suggestion at the end of 2018, make
Pausing video games for 1 month Yesterday, I played Battlefield 1 late at night and while I was playing something occurred to me. I play video games pretty often and for a good while now, I’ve been addicted to playing BF1 and haven’t really played anything else. The game’s mechanics, maps, and overall
Oat milk cappuccinos in LA I’m trying to collect a list of coffee places that have good oat milk cappuccinos and this is for Los Angeles: Good – Little Ripper Coffee, this has been my favorite find so far. The cappuccinos are great plus the staff here is very friendly. I also had a veggie
My first attempt at an Angel Food Cake When I used to work at Outbound, I would go to a nearby shop to get some cake as an afternoon treat. I’m forgetting the shop’s name and they’ve closed down since. The cake was a soft, simple, and fluffy angel food cake. The past few days
Ugh, gone is my server again! I made the same mistake I made some time last year where I accidentally made it impossible for me to log in to my digital ocean box. Last week, this happened with my server. Which means I will have to start from scratch on some setup there,