Things I read and liked in January 2024
I've been busy over the last week so I haven't been able to write this post but I wanted to share my favorite things I discovered over the last month, and a few things I just want to highlight.
Things I read
Something I think about but I thought it was just me.

Dan Luu talks about how a favorite tool of a writer/creator online doesn't translate to what other people and especially the masses like to use. Twitter has a ton of lurkers but writing on twitter is a pain.
I thought this was gonna be another corporate fuck up but no:

This is a hard read but I think it's important to see someone take a stand:

My favorite app in January
This post was mostly written in Obsidian, I've been using it a lot over the last year and I wanted to share it. I really like the app for stripping away a lot of the UI and making writing the focus. There's a command palette that pops up with ⌘ + P and a file opener that pops up with ⌘ + O. This app is slowly moving me away from Notion.

A nice font
I found Gambarino at some point and bookmarked it, I put together the following graphic to show how nice this font is. Unfortunately, only one weight if available for free. Gambarino on FontShare →.

I'll collect more things to share next month.
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