Setting up Vim (with Neovim)
brew install neovim
sudo apt install neovim
Local settings for project specific changes
For directory-specific vim settings, you can use .vimrc but when using neovim, you’ll need to use .nvimrc instead.
To get it all working, add the following to your init.nvim file:
set exrc
set secure
Using set secure will disable/disallow using autocmd settings
In the directory with vim settings, add an .nvimrc file.
I was struggling with this b/c I was using .vimrc for neovim which didn’t work for me.
Useful shortcuts / usage tips
Centering text in view
Using z
you can either center by using z.
or z<return>
) will go to the top.
Error on execute python script: request error nvim_command - Vim(pyxfile):E319: No "python3" provider found. Run ":checkhealth provider"
Solution: install pynvim using: pip3 install --user pynvim
Make sure to have python3 installed before doing this.