Sunday vibes playlist I wanted to share a playlist I’m putting together, a bunch of random songs grouped together from my Sunday morning.
The race to 1,000 miles In May, Kristen bought her new bike and we made a bet to get to 1,000 miles by the end of 2018. I’ve never ridden (rode?) this many miles before so this is a big undertaking. I’m currently at ~ 318 miles while Kristen is at ~ 375 miles.
Bookends update, August 12th It’s been a few weeks since I wrote the the initial Bookends post. I’ve been taking a couple of hours every week to work on the setting up Bookends and today, I sat down and got the search working using OpenLibrary’s API. The search works by doing
Deleting Yesterday, I made the tough decision to get rid of my server, it’s been sitting idly for over 6 months and I haven’t really done much with it. I had been waiting for some time to rewrite some of the app code to handle sending
Bookends, for fun and for learning During the months of May and June, I worked on a hobby project with a friend of mine called “Decide”. During development, I learned a couple of new things, technical and personal things about myself. Technically, I learned some React based on Next.js. If you’re about to start