Jugni — Rabbi Shergill

I forget about this song for long periods of time since it’s not on Spotify.
There’s a lot of substance in this song and it’ll be hard for me properly cover through translations but there are a few lines I’d like to summarize.
A personal take on this song
Jugni goes to her country, where the ones before her were born and where they kicked out the British, that’s the first few lines. Then Rabbi Shergill talks about how Jugni’s everywhere. Everywhere there’s something wrong but the problems won’t go away until the day Jhelum dries up. Jugni finds her way to Punjab, where the educated are useless and the ones who had land sold it to go mop some floors far away, they find a white girl while their families watch for their returns. And in Bombay, nobody sleeps, everyone is looking for something and nobody finds anything. Jugni finds no peace. The YouTube version ends too soon and I forget what exactly happens in the song.
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