Getting my bike fitted by Pedro

Today, I went to get my bike fitted by Pedro and I wanted to share some thoughts about the experience.
I affectionally call my red Specialized Allez “Big Red” because it’s very bright red and it’s a beautiful bike. I bought this bike back in the end of 2012. It was my first bike purchase as an adult and I really didn’t know what I was doing. I rode a couple of hundred miles in 2013, then some here and there but from 2014 all the way until May of 2018, I pretty much just had Big Red hanging on a hook in my apartment.
With some help from my friends, big shoutout to Lokesh, I started riding again in 2018! Since May of 2018, I rode about 800 miles which brought Big Red’s total to about 1200 miles. So, more than half the miles this bike has came in the last 7-8 months. In that time, I fell in love with biking again. Most of the miles are from commuting and I did sneak in a few 15-20 mile weekend rides.
All this came to a halting stop at the end of December, with the holidays creeping closer, I was wondering if I was going to continue riding my bike in 2019, I surely was hoping so but I had to stop all of a sudden. This was because my knees started bothering me and I would just be extremely exhausted but not exhausted like a workout but more like fatigued to discomfort. This got me worried and at work some people mentioned that they got their bike fitted by Pedro. So I started looking into it.
Well, today, I had my appointment and I am so happy to say that it made me excited for biking again and I really want to ride my bike more and more now! He went over every detail of riding my bike to show me what things I need to change, what things needed adjustments, and if I could use some upgrades. The biggest adjustments were the saddle height and handlebars’ angle. After each bit of adjusting, I felt more “in tune” with my bike.
He did recommend I try clips and also to get a bike one size up from my I have and that was news to me because I thought clips were only for people who ride 50+ mile rides. And as far as size goes, I was thinking I was actually too big on my bike but after the adjustments, I could see that the bike was pretty much at it’s top end of adjustments to fit me today. Even with the size constraint, his adjustments have made me feel so much more confident on my bike.
Above all, Pedro is a very nice guy and a fun guy to talk to while he’s teaching you about riding your bike properly.
Please do check out his website for more details:
You can also check out my Strava here: Strava Profile
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