New pedals for the e-bike Over the last few months, I’ve been enjoying riding my Tenways bike a lot. In the past few years, I’ve biked less and less. In Oakland, this was due to working from home and not having anywhere interesting to go to nearby. But since moving to Portland and
Bike fitting on the e-bike Yesterday, I went to get a bike fitting for my e-bike. I have been having knee pain on and off and I was thinking it’s due to the posture/positions on the bike. Long story short, cycling is not causing my knee pain. My seat came out to be
I got a sourdough starter today My neighbor dropped it off for me. I fed it for the first time, after googling for way too long. Finally realized, it’s not too strict about how much to feed it. I am hoping to use it tomorrow to make some dough. I should ask my neighbor how
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