Packing up, and having a font for it
I’ve had a few interests this year, finding a good water enhancer (e.g. flavor mixes without sugar) being one of the recent ones but my interest this year has stayed pretty steady in typography. Mainly printing out labels has led me down rabbit holes of font families. I’m making labels for moving and I’ve found a typeface I like. It’s San Francisco Pro Rounded or SF Pro Rounded for short. You can get it from Apple’s website on macOS. I started making labels using it, you can see an example below:

The Dymo Turbo 45 is a pretty nice label maker, it’s thermal so I don’t have to worry about ink usage. I’m not sure if label makers out there use ink for just basic printing because it seems like thermal printing would be way more economical in large scale uses. But I do love using the label maker to print out labels for everything around the house. I think this has been a worthwhile interest for the year.
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