In Portland I’m in Portland right now. I’m here for a few days and I wanted to write that down so I can remember on my blog. I’ll be making a post for the whole of 2018 while I’m here but I’m just feeling like I should
Reverting back to a simpler version of social media and socializing on the web I was reading yet another article about how Facebook has been abusing user trust by dealing with their data among third-party companies (BBC). This is just one example of a couple of other recent “trip-ups” Facebook has had in the public: * Sri Lanka accuses Facebook over hate speech after deadly
Late October Update Wow, this been a whole month since I published any updates. I’ve been pretty busy at work, I’ve been wasting my time at home with Battlefield 1 on the PS4 and I have been steadily riding my bike. Besides that, I took a trip to New York City
Nightmare #1 (Jetski of the sky) I’m writing this right after waking up from a nightmare so it’s fresh and as accurate as I can remember it. I am on a call with my wife and she’s talking about cheap tickets to somewhere like Cuba or Puerto Rico. We haven’t really talked
Late September update So I’ve been pretty quiet on my blog recently. I also deleted social media apps except Reddit off my phone. At the beginning of September, I was mostly not on the computer after work. I was in a weird phase where I wasn’t interested in anything after work.
The Handmaid’s Tale, wow so far! Spoilers and plot reveals ahead. This past weekend, I finished watching the second season of The Handmaid’s Tale. If you don’t know anything about the show, I highly recommend watching the first episode at least. Before I started watching the show, I really thought it was similar to
Sunday vibes playlist I wanted to share a playlist I’m putting together, a bunch of random songs grouped together from my Sunday morning.